FloorplanLoungeCloak RoomHallConservatoryStudyBilliard RoomBoudoirKitchenDining RoomBallroomLibraryCellarInfirmaryStables

The Hall


This was the entry hall for Libertine Manor. However, since it is a large and largely unused space, a holo-room device has been installed in here. Inspired by the Holodeck seen on Star Trek, the Next Generation, this allows a variety of rooms, and other environments to simulated in a form of Virtual Reality.

To start a simulation use of the following commands:

To stop a running simulation (which you must do to start a new one):

There is no Holo-Room program currently running.

The hall, with no program running, looks like this.

(Click on any picture for better view. Press F5 to refresh pictures if the simulation has been changed.)