House RulesAbout RespectRules for SubmissivesMaids & FootmenCuff-Link TOS

Libertine Manor Rules

Our aim, at Libertine Manor, is to provide a welcoming, fun and relaxing refuge from the world.

We have few rules, none of which should be a surprise to folk of breeding and culture.

Rules for ALL Residents and Guests

  1. Be Respectful. If you need to know what this implies, see A Few Notes About Respect.
  2. Consent is paramount. Presence in any part of the Manor does not imply availability to serve or play.
  3. No spamming or advertising. Sharing links and pictures is acceptable, if done in context.
  4. Lurkers — those who do not participate in the Manor — may be removed. See more HERE.
  5. Do not ignore staff (including Reginald). If you have a problem, talk to Babbage.
  6. Private conversations do NOT require prior permission. However, if you approach someone in the Manor, and they ask you to stop, do so.
  1. If it exists, there is porn of it. If there isn't, there will be.