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Rule 4

Why you may find yourself kicked out of Libertine Manor

Since Libertine Manor was created, it has had in its Rules:

  1. Lurkers — those who do not participate in the Manor — may be removed.

Mr Babbage never wanted #LibertineManor (and its other rooms) to be one of those places that people can lurk in, for hours on end, without contributing to the life of the channel or being an active member of the Manor community. Mr Babbage would occasionally be seen kicking people that had been idle too long but, otherwise, the rule was not really enforced.

Now, Reginald, the manor's butler-bot has been empowered to kick people that are sitting in #LibertineManor, but idle. To do this, he uses a complicated formula that considers your role within the Manor (such as resident or a guest), how much you contribute, and how recently you contributed.

When you arrive in channel, you are granted a initial amount of time that you will be allowed to stay:

Time is added when you speak or do certain things within the Manor. When your time runs out, you get kicked out. This is not personal. You may return when you are ready to participate again (although auto-rejoins are not allowed.)

The precise details of Reginald's formula that will not be revealed. It is also subject to change without notice.

If you feel you have been unfairly treated by the bot, speak to Babbage.