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How to Find Us

#LibertineManor is a room on the Cuff-Link IRC server.

To connect to Cuff-Link, point your favorite IRC chat client at:
       Server: irc.cuff-link.me
       Port: 6697 (Secure port)

Alternatively, if you have an IRC client that supports connecting by way of an URL, you might try this:

Cuff-Link has stricter rules than many other IRC servers. For example, your client must be capable of using TLS (SSL) to connect to it. Also, new users cannot send private messages to other registered users, until they register their own nickname with the NickServ service.

The main room for Libertine Manor is #LibertineManor. However, if you try to enter the room using an unregistered nick – or even a newly registered nick – Reginald, the room's butler bot will kick you out. To be allowed into #LibertineManor as a new arrival on Cuff-Link, please send a private message to Babbage and explain who you are.

While #LibertineManor is the main room of the house – its lounge or drawing room – Libertine Manor contains a number of other rooms, to be used and enjoyed by its residents and guests.

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