angel-slut : housedog

User Reviews

  • angel-slut is the perfect puppy dog that does everything she is told, and is amazingly awesome, and sweet, and horny, and takes all other inferior animals under her wing to guide them, even stupid pathetic lowly whimpering groveling idiot little kitty kats like myself. – bustypet
  • A good hound, loyal, obedient, naturally inferior. Is determined to please and yield. The best barker I have seen. She lives for degradation and humiliation. Take her for a walk sometime to try her out. – Brett
  • An eager, willing and delicious slut. If she has a fault, it is that she sometimes rushes ahead of your commands, in her own unbridled lust and her need to be please. – Babbage
  • As her name says, she is an angel, wanting to please above all, more than to be pleased. She is loving, caring, loyal, horny and constantly seeking the limits to either learn from passing them or know that limit is reached. A very likeable slut. – Sophie
  • A very pleasing and loyal housepet who takes genuine satisfaction from being of service to others. angel-slut knows her place and all the little tricks you'd expect; crawling, coming to heel, spreading her pale thighs and using that slutty little tongue to pleasure and please. .. I'll certainly be giving her a bone in future visits. – ^StradivariuS^
  • A lovely, fiercely loyal pupper who will sniff you and lick you and nuzzle you if it ends up liking you enough. It knows how to please, how to tease and how to obey commands, like a wild dog should. Dodo loves to taste meaty treats, especially those between a man's legs and getting boned by them too. Get a leash, attach it to its collar and take this bitch for a walk. You won't be disappointed. – Macphisto

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